Thursday, December 13, 2007

Oh Well....

In the fall when the leaves and acorns were falling, a lot of people including myself, commented on how many acorns were on the ground. Years ago when my in-laws still lived in Bellmore, their house had a lot of oak trees. When the winter was really bad my Father-in-law would say "You can tell how bad the winter will be, by the way the squirrels gather their acorns. They try and get as many as they can." Some years you could actually find little piles they were making to store up for the winter. So, back to my theory, this year there were so many acorns on the ground, that I figured the squirrels weren't gathering that many, so we were in store for a treat by way of a mild winter!! WRONG!!! This is like our third round of snow and ice and it's only December 13th!! I was really hoping I was right :(

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