Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Some random shots from the last week or so......

The stuff Frank, Norma and Butchy Boy got from the Martha Stewart Show. The coupons are for a years worth of free dog food.

Anthony replacing the brakes and rotors on
Frank's car. He really is a great mechanic.

The boys hard at work making a giant snowman.

The middle section was so heavy they needed a ramp to help put it together.

Look at the size of this guy!!

One scary looking snowman. This one was even bigger and in the front of the house

Butchy Boy hates the snow as much as I do. Rocco had to pick him up and bring him out.

Dominic and Daniella Bella making homemade playdough

We colored the dough with koolaid so it smelled great! We had a great time.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Valentine's Day Desserts.....Enjoy

Saturday, February 9, 2008

The tag game...You got me...And Now I got You!!

Well, here are the rules(1) Link to the person that tagged you. (2) Post the rules on your blog. (3) Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself. (4) Tag three random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs. (5) Let each random person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website.

1. I'm a state certified security guard.

2. I love green, everything and every room would be green if I was allowed to get away with it.

3. I love noise, the noiser the better.

4. I have an old (real glass) noxema jar filled with stuff I've saved since I was a kid, mostly coins,medals,the old fashioned string bracelet from adventureland, and stuff like that. Every now and then I take it out and show the kids and have to explain each and everything that's in the jar to them.I think they can recite it all too!!

5. I've been a licensed beautician for 31 years.

6. I took violin lessons for 5 years and took guitar, clarinet, and cello lessons too!! But can't play any of them good...

I tag:

1. Dominic

2. Franky

3. Rebbeca

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Lights, Camera, Action.....

Today, Frank, Norma and Butchy Boy, are going to be on the Martha Stewart Show!! A little while back I filled out a request form to get tickets for a show. I noticed they were having a special dog show episode. The requirement was you needed to have a dog that was adopted or rescued. Well I wrote about how we got Butchy, ( I wrote the whole story on a past blog ) I guess they liked the story and said they wanted Butchy and his owner, and a guest to come to the show.
I then got an e-mail last week, saying:
I’d love to talk to the owner of butchy boy.
Please call the number below and leave your name and a number I can call you at.

Elie Haller
Associate Producer
226 West 26th Street, 3rd Floor
New York, NY 10001
O: 917-438-5755
F: 917-438-5756
Well I did that, but she didn't call, so now I'm not sure if they will be called on to talk, or just be in the audience, Martha says in the coming attractions for this show, that there will be a lot of heart warming stories, so I don't know, but I do know with all those dogs there, the camera's will be scanning all of them a lot!! So I'm sure we'll spot them!! The show will be on at 1 pm.....
Here are some shots of Butchy Boy getting ready for his big debut......

Monday, February 4, 2008

R.I.P. PAULIE.......

My poor Paulie had to be put to sleep today. He started doing better during the week but then on Saturday night he took a turn for the worse. I held him all day, Saturday and Sunday and even slept with him, sitting in the chair all night both Saturday and Sunday nights. I couldn't put him down because he didn't have the strength to hold himself up. I had to force feed him some special food and water every 3 hours. Today I called the Vet to say he was getting worse and they let me bring him in at 3 pm. The Vet said there was nothing he could do and I needed to put him to sleep. He will be getting cremated and his ashes will be spread out at a cemetery called "Field of Dreams". I miss him already. I got him for my 40th birthday, and had him for 8 years.