Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Sunday was Franky's birthday 10/12/08!!

We had a great day on Sunday for Franky's birthday.
As you can see by the hero he turned 16! (Dominic is also 16 until this Saturday 10/18) He only wanted a hero, with potato and macaroni salads and cole slaw, and for me to make pasta and broccoli, and his favorite hot chili dip. He invited 4 boys from church, so we had a nice small enjoyable day in between church services.

What a great group of kids!

Frank and I got this camera and a video game for Franky.


Abigail said...

Happy Birthday Frankie!


The last picture of the camera is great! It looks like a Samsung ad!

: o )

The Capo's said...

You're right! Franky says "thank you"!

Jessica R. said...

Happy Birthday Frankie, looks like you had a good one!