Friday, January 23, 2009

It's National Pie Day!!

I saw this in this morning, click on the pies to link to the recipes.
I'm not really crazy for the recipes they give, so if anyone makes a pie today using you're own recipe, let me know!

January 23 is National Pie Day, so get out the rolling pin, slice up some fruit and get baking!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Anthony is doing great!!!

So my Anthony is home and doing great!! Everyone at the hospital said he was doing so good in regard with his recovery because of his age, but I think having a church like LIB all praying for him was the real reason, so...

I had to put at least one picture like this here!!

I think Butchy Boy missed him the most!! He didn't leave his side, or he was just really comfortable!!

The kids made Anthony a Welcome home sign!

Anthony leaving the hospital last Thursday, no more wheelchairs.

Anthony just before they wheeled him into the operating room.

Anthony being wheeled out of the operating room, I was waiting by the doors and got this shot!

Anthony feeling a lot better on Wednesday.

Two great friends....

Anthony had a slight fever, so that's an icepack on his head, I would hate that!!

The nurses gave us a private room after I was telling them I had 6 kids!! I'm glad they did, it was nice to have everyone visiting at the same time. Plus I stayed with him for the 4 days he was there, so there was enough room for me too.

Anthony goes to the Dr. on Thursday for a check up. I know the Dr, will be pleased.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Pray for my Anthony today....

As you read this, Anthony will be in or just out of surgery. He will be in North Shore-LIJ Syosset Hospital until at least Thursday. I know he would love to hear from his friends from church. The hospital # is 516-496-6400. I'm not sure when he will be in his room today, so from Tuesday on would be nice. Thank you all in advance for your thoughts and prayers. I'll post when he comes home!!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Thanks Alexis....

Well my fourth folder in my adobe files is Mario's graduation party from 6th grade. I don't know why food is always the focus at my house!!!

The rules:
1. Choose the 4th folder where you store pictures on your computer.
2. Select the 4th picture in the folder.
3. Explain the picture.
4. Tag four people to do the same.
5. No cheating (cropping, editing, etc.)

Everybody else was tagged already so I'll just tag Anthony, he'll be a little busy for about a week but I'll wait!!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

My new collection....

I love carousel horses. I remember going to Nunley's in Baldwin when I was a kid, and I could ride the carousel all day!! It wasn't because I loved to just go around and around, but I thought the horses were just beautiful. They closed Nunley's years ago, but saved the horses in a warehouse at Mitchel Field, but now because of the efforts of a little girl in Wantagh, they are being restored and should show up somewhere soon probably back in Baldwin. I bought the first one to start off my collection, Gary and Bing bought me one in Pennsylvania for my birthday, Frank got me two for Christmas, and a friend gave me one of hers! I don't know why it took me so long to start collecting them.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Some catching up....

Angelo's 14th birthday, January 5
It's ALL going so fast!!

So many desserts!

Frank enjoying his New Year's pickled herring

New Year's Day dinner

The boys ringing in the New year

Perfect timing!!

Frank waiting for 12:00am

My boys...All so handsome!

Monday, January 5, 2009

So now that we are done with the holidays....

Let the countdown begin!!!

Only 74 days til SPRING..