Monday, April 6, 2009

I knew this would be out there!!!

I was always fascinated by the "topsy turvy tomato plant holder" I checked it out and didn't really want to spend the money on a plastic bag that I still had to add my own tomato plant to. So I looked around google and found the site to help me make my own. You can also plant peppers, eggplant, or probably just about any stalk vegetable plant. Oh, and strawberries too!!
If it's too much trouble to get buckets you can use large soda bottles, or gallon size juice bottles. Just cut off the bottoms, and put plant into the small spout end, save the bottom you cut off to use as a cap so your dirt doesn't dry out or get washed away when it rains. An added tip, when you make your small hole to insert your plant cover the hole before you add your dirt ,with some sort of mesh material and make an even smaller hole in that to hold some more of the dirt back.
Just click the picture to get to the site... Have fun!!

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