My Poor Paulie.....
My Quaker Parrot Paulie isn't feeling well. He started on Thursday morning, just sitting in the corner of his cage. I held him all day trying to keep his body heat up and trying to get him to eat and drink. By Friday, I knew he wasn't getting better, he was puffed up, closing his eyes most of the time and couldn't keep his balance on his perch, if I put him in his cage he had to hold on to something so he wouldn't fall off!! I had to bring him to the Vet. The Vet said he wanted to keep him over night and give him fluids, antibiotics, xrays, and blood tests, being he wasn't sure what was wrong with him. He did see an ear infection, but said that wouldn't be causing this illness. I said no, maybe just give me the antibiotics and some special food so I can hand feed him, and he gave me some ear drops.(He had to show me where his ears were!!) The Vet gave him 2 shots, and I took him home. He's showing some improvement already, but I still have to make him eat and drink. He's such a baby though, he takes his food ok, but I have to force him to take his antibiotics just like I did for the kids when they were young!!
Paulie looks so sick here, He was puffed up and couldn't keep his eyes open.
Going to the Vet....
His food, ear drops, and antibiotics...
Paulie's starting to feel a little better today.
Butchy Boy was so jealous, that anytime I sat down he wouldn't leave me.