Thursday, March 20, 2008


It finally showed up.... SPRING!! Ok, it's not really that warm today, or sunny, but it made it, so it's got to get better from here. No more snow or cold, ( actually they are predicting something for this week) but it can't be all that bad. So starting real soon, I'll be in the garden planting my vegetables, and flowers, and just sitting in my "little Italy" enjoying the warm weather and watching all my birds in the yard. I love the spring and summer. Winter could be canceled and I'd be just fine with that!!!

Friday, March 14, 2008


WOW, Anthony is 18 years old. Where does the time go. I know everyone always says that, but, since the day Anthony was born he always had "issues" he was born with a congenital heart condition, and was so sick until his open heart surgery at 16 months old, and having to deal with ADHD and Tourette's Syndrome since he was about 6 yrs. old, he's had his share. But, let me tell you, to see him today at 18, being an honor student in high school, and also an auto mechanic student, applying to colleges, it just really amazes me. I'm so proud of him and know he can do anything he sets his mind to. Keep it up Anthony, and Happy Birthday Baby!!!

Friday, March 7, 2008

Some great news about Dominic and Franky.....

Dominic took his driver's permit test today and not only passed, but got only one wrong!! It's amazing how many teens and adults alike, failed while we were there. I think they just can't be bothered reading the small book they give you to study from. Dominic read his book and took a couple of practice tests on the computer, and did a great job. Congratulations Dominic !!

Dominic and Franky went on a job interview yesterday at Adventureland in Farmingdale, and they both got the jobs. I'm so proud of them. Having the two of them is just like having twins, they do so many things together, and Dominic really looks for Franky a lot, to do things with. He only wanted to work there if Franky worked there too. I'm so glad it worked out for them both. Way to go guys!!!

Monday, March 3, 2008

Better Late Then Never.....


My Rocco is now 21 years old!! I can't believe how fast it really went. I wanted to have kids right away when Frank and I got married, but it took us 4 years. Now here we are 21 years later. I have to say Rocco was always a great kid, a great teenager, and now a great man! He never gave us an ounce of trouble, ever. We're so proud of him, he's doing near perfect in college, he works a full time job drafting, and has a wonderful girlfriend Lindsay, who's just as nice and sweet as he is. And just look how handsome he is too!!!! Well I really could just go on forever, but I'll just say the past 21 years have been great and I can't wait to see what the future holds.